Marcos Navarro
Marc Catala:

Binomio is an exhibition by Marcos Navarro. He has designed a logo for it. A very simple image which represents the concept of binomial, cutting the two ‘o’s in two halves, making two separate letters united by form. An exquisite way of showing two halves within a word (not a single initial letter, like most symbols), something very difficult to do without affecting legibility or looking daft. And its an abstract concept too! A logo I wish I had done.

Howies packaging
Carter Wong Design
Paul Felton:

Carter Wong Design have translated the thinking behind their unique headline font ‘Castan’, for ethical clothing company Howies, into some lovely e-commerce packaging. A slice from an old Acer tree was inked up, printed and given quirky individual treatments detailing the many varied activities Howies customers engage in.

Bildrauch Filmfest Basel
Ludovic Balland
Mitch Paone:

The Bildrach Filmfest Basel project is just one of the many fine examples of Ludovic Balland’s ability to punch you in the face visually. The deliberately ugly treatment of the fused B and R creates such a gripping impression it becomes quite beautiful when treated in the entire identity. I admire work like this because it challenges our expectations of design thus leaving with a strong memory of the work (whether we love it or hate it).

Rob Duncan:

Great name and identity designed by Character. Playground is a unique combination of a venture fund and a start-up studio. The identity represents the firm’s grounded expertise and their belief that play should be part of the process. Clever, beautifully crafted and supported by a lovely animation that you can enjoy here.

The Co-Op
Rob Duncan:

This is a beautiful rebrand for the Co-Op by North. I’m a huge fan of brands looking back to their past to move forward. It was such a great identity and memorable image when we were growing up. A lot of the memories and equity that many people associated with the Co-Op will have been reinstilled without the company having to do any marketing at all. Brilliant move by the Co-Op and great work by North. Now, if we can just get United to go back the Tulip logo…

English National Ballet
The Beautiful Meme
Jamie Ellul:

This rebrand of the English National Ballet ditches the previous ornamental flourishes and replaces them with a brutally modernist logo that doubles as a quote mark and a ballerina’s feet ‘en pointe’. A timeless idea that feels really appropriate; tying in with the ENB’s positioning as the voice of ballet. The crown in the identity are the advertising shots in collaboration with Vivienne Westwood – quintessentially British but with a sense of danger and sexiness.

Tom Dixon
Made Thought
Mitch Paone:

Made Thought captures the essence of Tom Dixon’s aesthetic perfectly with their product packaging. A bold graphic use of color with a subtle typographically “British” accent. Overall, this is very iconic work and it’s even more stunning in person.

Little Green Pig
Baxter & Bailey
Rob Duncan:

A really sweet idea from Baxter & Bailey. Little Green Pig is a writing and mentoring charity for young people in Sussex. They believe in the right to write, and that this vital form of self-expression builds confidence, communication and literacy skills. As they say on their website: s’nowt like a lovely little logo job. Couldn’t agree more.