A beautiful series of illustrations produced by Garbett, based on the Fibonacci Spiral. They are named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, later known as Fibonacci, who introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics in his 1202 book Liber Abaci. The Fibonacci spiral is an approximation of the Golden Spiral. It is said to be the most aesthetically beautiful proportion to humans. Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio are prevalent in natural objects, from the microscopic structure proportions in the bodies of living beings on Earth to the relationships of gravitational forces and distances between bodies in the universe.
These can be purchased on Garbett's store here.
The UK is definitely 'Fragile' at the moment. This is a lovely idea and art piece by Sarah Boris. It's silkscreened in 8 layers with a special red and blue mix plus varnish. The sreenprint is available for purchase here. Follow Sarah on her instagram: @sarahboris_ldn
Say it how it is. This is exactly what I would want the juice, in fact everything in my refrigerator to look like. Solid color and beautiful typography. Ragged Edge built an extremely ordinary packaging system for extremely ordinary juice. Without saying anything it exudes freshness and taste. Brilliant idea, beautifully crafted.
I love a clever word mark almost as much as I love Bath. Supple Studio have created a charming identity for a coffee shop in Bath, UK. Their mission is to make good coffee accessible to everyone – specialty coffee without the pomp. Clever solutions such as these definitely appeal to the mass consumer. They make you smile and create an immediate emotional connection with the public. Using the illustrations to highlight the hidden cups creates a playful and extremely accessible visual language. Perfect work Jamie and team.
Being a Stanley Kubrick fan since being forced to watch A Clockwork Orange during my Art School days, this new campaign for Gucci really stood out this week. Alessandro Michele’s campaign, meticulously recreates scenes from 2001: A Space Odyssey, A ClockworkOrange, Barry Lyndon, The Shining and Eyes Wide shut. This must have taken a lot of time and a lot of money to recreate so exactly — beautiful work.
In 2021, the Guardian turned 200, and the newspaper wanted to celebrate the milestone with existing readers whilst gaining new subscribers. Instead of celebrating past achievements, the Guardian chose to focus on what comes next.
The campaign uses very clever copywriting and juxtaposition of billboards — Obviously a copy led direction for a newspaper but definitely not obvious copy. Fantastic work by Oliver Agency who have structured themselves to exclusively design, build and run bespoke in-house agencies and marketing systems for brands. This must be a real challenge as a model but they are proving that it works by producing great work like this.
A super elegant and well crafted campaign by Paprika in Montreal, combines musical instruments and the number 10. Black and white photography along with a muted color palette and strong typography has resulted in a very striking and probably very cost effective solution.
Gucci and Balenciaga joined forces to share their fashion ideas through 'The Hacker Project'. To promote this campaign graffiti was used to adorn the facias of 74 Balenciaga stores as well as bespoke shopping bags and limited edition products. Confusing and delighting shoppers while keeping security guards on their toes was a perfect, unexpected way of drawing attention to these iconic luxury brands.