Yo Sushi
Paul Belford Ltd.
Rob Duncan:

A beautiful new brand for Yo Sushi by Paul Belford Ltd. The graphic ideas and colors throughout are stunning and clever in concept. The brand guidelines are particularly clever, presented as a Bento box with fish and chips (for materials and color palettes).

Brewster Murray
Frost* Collective
Rob Duncan:

They never fail to find the gift at Frost* Collective. Couldn’t be simpler, an elegant strong ‘B’/’M’ and feeling architectural with several levels at the same time. Smart by design indeed!

Rob Duncan:

A lovely little identity for M11 studio. A nice gift to find. Beautifully crafted and lends itself to a unique pattern too.

Rob Duncan:

Spanish agency Erretres has created a cheeky new brand for a Madrid tapas Bar. The bar seeks to position canned food products as healthy and simple. The only ingredients necessary are the finest products on the face of this earth, the maximum respect for how they are prepared and the minimum interference possible by man in their presentation. Hence they came up with the name Nudista (Nude) and created the brand around the idea “The best product does not need clothes”.

Random Acts for Channel4
Bold & Bold with 4 Creative
Jamie Ellul:

Bold & Bold have created a lovely glitchy identity for Channel 4’s short form film series Random Acts in collaboration with 4 Creative. In particular it’s a really clever use of the new Channel 4 brand typeface Horseferry – flipping between the various cuts of the type to create a random glitchy feel to all text. Also the RA condensed monogram for social media is such a simple reduction.

Elder brook
Rob Duncan:

A refreshing approach to a new brand and range of drinks from David Folkman and Craig Jones (Ex Innocent Drinks). &Smith’s identity showcases the work of young YCN illustrators Enrica Casentini, Ana Jaks and Quentin Mongue. Clever copy by ‘We all need words’ describes the ‘better-for-you-cordial’, Elderbrook doesn’t pretend to be full of your five-a-day, turn you into a yogi in one sip, or give you Popeye’s muscles. But it does taste good!

IV Centenary of the death of Cervantes
Rob Duncan:

I don’t usually upload our own work, but the great thing about being a partner at Mucho is constantly being impressed and envious of work that gets produced by other partners and offices. This identity in particular by Marc Catala hits the nail on the head. An identity to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the death of Cervantes. What else could it have been? And getting those curves/ruffles just right isn’t as easy as it looks!

D.R.A.W identity
Supple Studio
Paul Felton:

This new identity from Supple Studio is a masterclass in the art of combination. D.R.A.W is the result of the merger of two of the most respected recruitment agencies in the global art market.

The identity is a combination of a clever interlocking monogram, great copy and a beautiful series of three dimensional interpretations of the logo. The variety of materials used in the interlocking components suggest the scope of experience – from traditional to contemporary.