Peace for Paris
Jean Jullien
Loran Stosskopf:

Within an hour after the Paris attacks, an artist’s heartfelt symbol of peace became a worldwide sign of support for France. The illustration is powerful in its simplicity: A peace symbol (originally by Gerald Holtom) with the Eiffel tower, rendered in bold, black strokes against a white background. Jean Jullien created the image, “Peace for Paris,” and posted it on Twitter and Instagram. Jean Jullien has developed a remarkable ability to synthesize.

English National Ballet
The Beautiful Meme
Jamie Ellul:

This rebrand of the English National Ballet ditches the previous ornamental flourishes and replaces them with a brutally modernist logo that doubles as a quote mark and a ballerina’s feet ‘en pointe’. A timeless idea that feels really appropriate; tying in with the ENB’s positioning as the voice of ballet. The crown in the identity are the advertising shots in collaboration with Vivienne Westwood – quintessentially British but with a sense of danger and sexiness.

Sumatran Orangutan Society Poster
Kimpton Creative
Jamie Ellul:

Kimpton Creative were briefed to create a poster to show how far a little money can go for this orangutan charity. I love the simple link between the colour of a penny and the colour of the ape itself. So obvious once you see it. And the fact they’ve sorted through 2000 coins to get the right colours rather than relying on photoshop which would be the lazy option. To top it off the original artwork was auctioned off so it has a second life. Perfect.

Stockholm Design Lab
Rob Duncan:

In Europe alone, 35 billion kilometers are driven by delivery trucks that are completely empty. Why? Legacy software systems have created a situation where crucial data isn’t shared, and hence important decisions are based on poor information. Farewell, designed by Stockholm Design Lab, is a great example of design making a difference. A revolutionary logistics application, in one common language, with all important information being shared in real time. View case study here.

Halt and Catch Fire Credits
Patrick Claire, Antibody
Marc Catala:

We follow an electronic impulse in a super augmented image, all the way from the guts of the machine to the main chip that starts it all, and see the initial blipping light of the computer. Striking, visual, meaningful, relevant. From the guy who did the first True Detective credits. Bravo.

Tom Dixon
Made Thought
Mitch Paone:

Made Thought captures the essence of Tom Dixon’s aesthetic perfectly with their product packaging. A bold graphic use of color with a subtle typographically “British” accent. Overall, this is very iconic work and it’s even more stunning in person.

Making cancer disappear
RE: Sydney and Mathieu Reguer
Paul Felton:

A clever approach to a sensitive subject. The identity for the Australian Cancer Research Foundation by RE: visually embodies the charities unmitigated purpose — to help make cancer disappear.

A custom typeface with characters of varying weights represents how some cancers are close to disappearing, while others remain all too visible. Supporting the type is a series of strong statements that call out the end of cancer and subsequently the organisation itself.

Dutch Police
Studio Dumbar
Mitch Paone:

It’s rare to see a state run organization (especially the police) get an iconic brand and Studio Dumbar managed to pull that off for the Dutch Police. The angled blue and red patterns give the perfect sense of emergency and authority while remaining beautifully modern. In this case they managed to make cops actually cool!

Little Green Pig
Baxter & Bailey
Rob Duncan:

A really sweet idea from Baxter & Bailey. Little Green Pig is a writing and mentoring charity for young people in Sussex. They believe in the right to write, and that this vital form of self-expression builds confidence, communication and literacy skills. As they say on their website: s’nowt like a lovely little logo job. Couldn’t agree more.